Doctoral Forum Retreat

What is it?

Doctoral Forum Retreat offers a valuable opportunity for doctoral students from different programs to interact with each other, discuss topics of interest and attend breakout sessions or workshops to learn valuable skills. The event usually takes place once a semester on a Saturday morning. Please join us for these events!

Get involved

At the Doctoral Forum Retreat students can give a presentation, host a breakout session, become a panelist (or host a panel!), and volunteer at the registration station.  We appreciate all ideas and creativity that will contribute to personal and professional growth for all!


Share your thought with us!

I want to publish an article but how do I do that?  How do I find post-doctoral fellowship?  What is a comprehensive exam and how should I prepare for it?  We want to help!  Please share with us what you would like to learn at the Doctoral Forum Retreat.  Your need as a doctoral student and a scholar is important and we want to hear about it.

Doctoral Forum Retreat in the Past

Topics discussed at previous retreats

  • Navigating doctoral studies from diverse perspectives
  • Navigating intercultural academic life
  • Post-doctoral fellowships
  • Creating a research agenda
  • How to write the Curriculum Vitae
  • Planning and writing the dissertation
  • Writing for academic publication
  • Job search strategies
  • Creating a productive line of inquiry in research
  • Using technology to aid research
  • Submitting proposals and delivering conference presentations

Previous Doctoral Forum Retreat 

Please note: Spring 2020 Doctoral Forum Retreat was canceled due to COVID-19.