Website Name Change Request

Thank you for making us aware of your department website name change.

Please note: A website name change can take 2-3 weeks.

Based on this request, on the date you identify within normal business hours, our web team representative will update:

  • Your website address/URL and add the necessary redirects.  
  • Your Google Analytics listing, if relevant 
  • The A-Z Index in the site-wide search 
  • The university’s main colleges and schools page, if your site is an academic department
  • Other  site references
  • The campus map listing
  • Coordinate the name changes with respective teams in charge of:
    • The social media directory
    • Calendar event form
    • University directory 
    • University catalog
  • Provide your identified departmental contact with a Siteimprove report so that they can make necessary updates to those pages in your site that have been impacted by the name change.