Doctoral Supervision

One of the principal focus of COURAGE is to enhance the quality of doctoral education and research program of member universities by using each others complementary strength. Through COURAGE doctoral students from any member institution can request involved co-supervision of mentors from experts in any other institution. It includes conventional doctoral mentoring to research internship in foreign institution to acquire specific skill, knowledge, field experience to conduct the sub-part of their doctoral research under a foreign co-supervisor. Once the student enters into research phase- the committee is connected via both- conventional and advanced collaboration technology. Below are additional information about the student entry, co-supervision arrangement and funding.

Young Faculty & Bright Students

Any young faculty at any of the COURAGE institution you pursue doctoral degree in another COURAGE institution as a COURAGE Doctoral Fellow. The same program is now also available for exceptionally motivated and bright undergraduate or MS students of member institutions.

Entry Process: The usual admission standards and all degree procedures of the degree granting institutions are followed to the conferral of the degree. All COURAGE Doctoral Fellows receives joint supervision and generally works in a research which has international/global implication.

COURAGE coordinates in order to arrange inter-institutional bridging by overlapping preparatory stages; support collaborative and substantive co-supervision; and to ensure overall quality. After entering the program of a member institution, each Doctoral Fellow must qualify and pass all exams at the level of the degree granting institutions’ usual degree standards. Contact your institutions COURAGE Directorate to initiate the process.

Joint Doctoral Supervision

A doctoral committee from one institution may request mentorship from a faculty from another institution to enhance their quality of dissertation. A doctoral committee from one institution may receive external examiners as well.

Primary supervisor’s institution remains the degree granting (host) institution, but each committee should have one or more co-supervisor(s) from the respective home and/or foreign (foreign) institution(s). Foreign students may undertake various combinations of coursework and research work both at their degree host institution and at the foreign institution(s), including any cross-listed courses according to the need of their research topics.

To be a mentor faculty, the main supervisor should be a scholar and an active researcher, as well as a full-time faculty member of the host university. The supervisor is responsible for mentoring the student’s academic progress, the quality of work, and helps the student in the pursuit of scholarship by means of offering continuous advice and constructive criticism. The co-supervisors role is also similar in nature to that of the supervisor but may be complementary to a particular sub-area of the scope of the research. The foreign co-supervisor of the COURAGE student also plays a substantive role to enhance the level in the field and integrate a global, country-specific, or alternative perspective.


The Doctoral Fellows are supported in several ways. It may be borne by the respective home institution, the higher education entity, by grants, by external sponsorship, self-arranged funding of the fellow or by the host institution. In any case the tuition and fees should not exceed above and beyond the usual and customary rates of the degree granting institution. COURAGE members generally offer further reduction of fees to each other when appropriate.