
Other Faculty Duties

 1.    Advising.  Faculty are required to advise and counsel undergraduate and graduate students  on academic matters. In order to assist in student advising, Faculty members should maintain current knowledge of University, College, and Department programs and requirements.

2.     Final examinations.  In all courses, a final exam must be offered at the time and date specified in the University’s schedule of final examinations. 

3.    Grades and Student Records. Faculty members must inform students of their progress throughout the semester.  Grades are a faculty member's responsibility and should be assigned fairly and objectively.  Submission of final grades must comply with University Policy, including but not limited to the deadline for the timely submission of grades.  Failure of faculty members to provide grades in compliance with University Policy will be taken into consideration in reappointment, promotion, tenure and merit decisions. Materials used in computing grades (e.g., exams, papers, reports, etc.) should be retained by the faculty member for five (5) years after final grades are submitted.  Students have a right to inspect the written work performed during a course and discuss the grade with the faculty member.

All members of the Department must comply with all laws and University Policies which govern the privacy of student education records, including but not limited to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  These regulations require, among other things, that faculty members keep thorough academic records and forbid the posting of grades by name, social security number or any other system which might identify a student with her/his education record.   

4.   Office Hours.  Faculty members are expected to maintain at least five office hours per week.  Office hours are to be posted on or near office doors and communicated to the Department of Psychological Sciences' Main Office and the Advising Office.  Faculty members are expected to schedule appointments with a student outside of their posted office hours if a student is unable to meet during the scheduled times. (see University Policy Register 3342-6-18.101). 

5.   Participation in University Activities.  Faculty members are expected to participate in graduation ceremonies and other activities which are appropriate to their role as a Faculty member in the Department.

6.   Student and Peer Evaluation. A Student Survey of Instruction (hereinafter “SSI”) is required in each course in each semester and will be conducted under the auspices of the Chair pursuant to applicable University policies and procedures. Clinic practicum supervision is evaluated separately following procedures outlined in the Clinic Handbook.

Probationary Faculty members are expected to undergo peer review of teaching during each year of the probationary period. 

7.   Syllabi.  Faculty members are expected to provide students with a syllabus which includes the subject matter to be covered in a course, a listing of assignments and/or reports, approximate dates of examinations, grading standards, attendance requirements, and other pertinent details of the conduct of the class.