Writing Program Committee

Membership: One (1) representative elected from the Kent Campus full-time TT faculty and one (1) from the Regional Campuses full-time TT faculty; one (1) full-time NTT faculty member, all campuses at-large; one (1) part-time faculty, all campuses at-large; one (1) graduate student representative elected by AGES.   Faculty members will serve two-year staggered terms; student members will serve one-year terms.  All members have voting privileges – except the ex officio Department Chair, Assistant to the Chair, Assistant Writing Program Coordinator(s), the Writing Center Director; and representative of the joint English/Pan-African Studies freshman writing program, appointed by the Department Chair in consultation with the Department Chair of PAS .

The Writing Program Committee is responsible for curricular matters involving all undergraduate writing courses (Tier I-Tier IV) as well as for administering the Writing Minor.