Our Values

Students on campus talking and laughing

The Exploratory Advising Center empowers students to engage in meaningful and experience-driven self-discovery, leading to confidence in their future!

We value:

  • Validating and celebrating the uniqueness of each student 
  • Relationship-building and authentic conversations
  • Openness to learning and curiosity
  • Building resiliency and confidence in decision-making
  • Being present in the now and being open to future possibilities

Is Exploratory for you?

Our program could be a good fit if any of the following apply:

  • Undecided in your majors of interest 
  • Looking to take time to make an informed decision 
  • Gain a better understanding of yourself 
  • Discover different career possibilities 
  • Build confidence in decision making  

How undecided are you?

Graphic scale showing levels of undecidedness including very undecided (I don't know), fairly undecided (Still thinking), testing it out (testing), narrowing down (getting closer), and almost decided (last step)

Whether you are undecided, ready to declare a major or somewhere in between, we are here to help you at any point along your Exploratory journey.