FAQ for EHHS Faculty Refresh

  • Who is covered?
    • Currently, all EHHS full-time tenure-track and non tenure-track faculty members at the Kent campus are covered.
  • How often will my computer be replaced?
    • Computers provided under the Faculty Computer Refresh Program are currently replaced every four years. Due to the onset of the Pandemic in 2019-2020, the Refresh Project was put on hold for over a year, until it was resumed in 2021. This delay affected all cycles, effectively pushing back when faculty would be eligible to receive their new device. If you would like to find out when you are eligible next, contact Sam Cannella at scannel1@kent.edu
  • What type of computer can I choose?
    • Information Services selects a number of Dell, Apple and Microsoft devices with technical specs that cover the widest range of needs and will stay functional for the four-year life. You may choose one of those standard computers, or if none of the standard computers meet your needs, you can request a non-standard device (with additional costs associated). Because models change so frequently, the current list of standard devices will be provide once you are contacted by your local IT person during your eligibility cycle. 
  • Is there any advantage to choosing a standard model computer?
    • Standard model computers allow us to both negotiate better pricing and provide consistency across the campus. It also provides us the ability to have trained professionals who can better assist you with your computing needs.
  • Can I give my computer to someone else to use?
    • No. Refresh computers are provided for use by the eligible faculty members. Once you receive your new Faculty Refresh device, your old device will be collected by EHHS IT, scrubbed, and then repurposed.
  • If I don't want a computer can I have the money to purchase other equipment or supplies?
    • Unfortunately, the answer to this is NO. The purpose of the computer refresh program is to replace the computers before the technology becomes obsolete.
  • What happens to the old computer when my computer is replaced?
    • Existing machines stay in the academic unit. Chairs and directors must make every effort to sustain a supportive, professional environment for all who engage in scholarship and teaching in the department or school. Thus, chairs and directors should pass on existing machines to graduate students and part-time faculty who are not eligible for new machines in the refresh program. Further, the issuance of a Refresh machine should not be used to provide an individual faculty member with two machines.
  • My department has no use for my old computer. Can I purchase it?
    • NO. University policy dictates that equipment must be made available for use by other departments within the University.
  • Can I make an upgrade to the standard model computer configurations?
    • Yes, but this must be approved by your department head and the additional cost of the upgrade will be charged to your department plus a special ordering process fee of $100.
  • What programs come standard on my faculty refresh computer?
  • What if I need software that is not part of the standard package that comes with the faculty refresh computers?
    • If it is software necessary for teaching or research, please contact Sam Cannella (scannel1@kent.edu) for pricing and billing information.