Environmental Physiology Laboratory

Research in the Environmental Physiology Laboratory focuses on normobaric hypoxia and cold exposure, i.e., extreme environmental conditions and developing strategies that enhance our ability to treat, compete and better understand the human condition under these stressors, both physiologic and cognitive.

Current Projects

  •     Hypoxia and cognitive function during exercise

Equipment - Environmental Physiology Lab

The Environmental Physiology Lab has three unique pieces of equipment that allows us to study how environmental factors such as heat, cold and altitude influence physical performance and cognitive function.  The equipment includes a hypoxic chamber that can simulate up to 14,000 feet of elevation, a cold water immersion tank, and an environmental chamber that can be set between 20 and 105 ºF.

 Environmental Physiology Lab equipment​&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è; Environmental Physiology Lab equipment​&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è; Environmental Physiology Lab equipment​

Publications and Presentations

Publications and Presentations - Environmental Physiology Lab


Y Sukseo, K Burns, B Pollock, J Gunstad, EL Glickman (2014) Do glucose containing beverages play a role in thermoregulation, thermal sensation and mood state? Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.  2014, 11:24
DOI: 10.1186/1550-2783-11-24

Muller MD, Sukseo Y, Kim CH, Ryan EJ, Pollock BS, Burns KJ, Glickman EL (2014) Cold habituation does not improve manual dexterity during rest and exercise in 5°C.  International Journal of Biometeorology 58(3) 383-94.

M Rebold, M Kobak, K Peroutky, EL Glickman (2015) The Effects of a 12-Week Faculty and Staff Exercise Program on Health-Related Variables. International Journal of Exercise Science 8(1), 49-56.

Y Sukseo, C Kim, EJ Ryan, J Gunstad, EL Glickman, MD Muller (2013) Cognitive function during lower body water immersion and post-immersion after-drop. Aviation Space and Environ Medicine Sept 84 (9)921-6.

EJ Ryan, E Fickes, M Williamson, MD Muller, J Gunstad, J Barkley, J Gunstad, EL Glickman (2013) Caffeine Gum and Cycling Performance: A Timing Study. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, Jan 27, 1 259-264.

Muller MD, Gunstad J, Alosco ML, Miller LA, Updegraff J, Spitznagel MB, Glickman EL (2012) Effects of Acute Cold Exposure on Cognitive Function: Evidence for Sustained Impairment Ergonomics 55(7) 792-8.

Peacock C, Pollock B, Burns K, G Sanders, Glickman EL (2012) Single Dosage Supplementation Improves Fitness Performance and Decreases Changes in Muscle Damage. Journal of Exercise Physiology 15 (6) 68-73.

MD Muller, CH Kim, Y Sukseo, EJ Ryan, EL Glickman (2012) Hemodynamic and thermoregulatory responses to lower body water immersion Aviation Space Environ Med 10:935-41.

Esmat TA, Pierce KE, Muller MD, Glickman EL. 53 hours of total sleep deprivation has no effect on rewarming from cold air exposure. (2012) Wilderness and Environ Medicine July 3

Ryan, EJ, C-H Kim, Muller MD, A Jankowski-Wilkinson, M Russel, DM Bellar, MV Bliss, R Otterstetter, GH Kamimori, EL Glickman (2012) Low dose caffeine administered in chewing gum does not enhance cycle time to exhaustion. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26(3) 844-50

Muller MD, Kim CH, Bellar DB, Ryan EJ, Sukseo Y, Muller SM, Glickman EL. (2012) Effect of cold acclimatization on exercise economy in the cold. European Journal of Applied Physiology  112 (2) 795-800.


CS Fulco, BA Beidleman, EL Glickman, JE Staab, RW Kenefick, SP Andrew, KI Guerriere, A Cymerman, I Sils, SR Muza (2014) Does increased physical activity while staging for two days influence the incidence of acute mountain sickness during subsequent exposure to high altitude? Military Health Research Symposium, Orlando Florida, 18-21, August 2014.

JE Staab, BA Beidleman, CS Fulco, EL Glickman, RW Kenefick, SP Andrew, AI Guerriere, A Cymerman, AR Muza (2014) What is the beneficial overall two-day staging strategy to reduce the incidence of acute mountain sickness at 4300 m? Military Health Research Symposium, Orlando, FL 18-21 August, 2014.

Edward J. Ryan, Haya Algrain, Rebecca Thomas, Kaitlyn Keefer, Ellen L. Glickman, Andres E. Carrillo (2014) The Effects of a Gene Polymorphism and Caffeine on Effort and Pain Perception during Cycling American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, pp. 211.

Megan Williamson, Michael Rebold, Andrew Carnes, Ellen L. Glickman and Jacob E. Barkley (2014) Validity of a Novel low-cost accelerometer during free-living physical activity, American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, pp. 126.

DB Corbett, K Peroutky, M Rebold, M Kobak, EL Glickman (2014) Effects of a 12-week Exercise Program on Physiological Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, p.59.

Jacob E. Barkley, Michael Rebold, Andrew Carnes, Ellen L. Glickman and Mallory Kobak (2014) The validity of a commercially-available, low-cost, wrist-mounted accelerometer during treadmill exercise. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, pp. 150.

Kean D, Peacock CA, Sanders GJ and Glickman EL (2014) The Correlation between thermal sensation, rectal temperature and skin temperature during application of lower body negative pressure. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.

MV Bliss, Y Sukseo, EL Glickman, Aerobic Fitness Does not affect Blood Lactate and Carbohydrate Metabolism During Exercise In hypoxia American College of Sports Medicine, pp. 135

Y Sukseo. MV Bliss, John Gunstad, Ellen L Glickman (2014) Cognitive Function is not affected by decreased cerebral oxygenation and SaO2 during Hypoxia. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, pp.248

Kylene Peroutky, Mike J. Rebold, Mallory S Kobak, Duane Corbett, Kimberly Hauge, John Gunstad Ellen L. Glickman (2014) Changes in POMS and Body Fat Percentage during a 12 week University Based Exercise Program. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, p.83

Michael J. Rebold, Mallory S. Kobak, Kylene Peroutky, John Gunstad, Ellen L Glickman (2014) The effects of a faculty/Staff exercise Program on Cognitive behaviors in a University Setting. American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL pp. 57

Mallory S. Kobak, Michael J. Rebold, Kylene Peroutky, EL Glickman (2014) The effect of a 12-week faculty staff exercise program on selected exercise performance variables American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, p. 57

Y Sukseo, CH –Kim, EJ Ryan, MM Uller, J Gunstad, and EL Glickman (2013) Recovery from cold water immersion impairs cognitive function in healthy men. MidWest American College of Sports Medicine Meeting,  November, 2013
Doe VH, BS Pollock, JW. Hughes, EL Glickman, D Waechter, J Rosneck (2013) Rate Pressure Product During an Exercise Stress Test In Depressed vs. Nondepressed Cardiac Patients AACVPR, 2013

Feeback MR, Kakos LS, Burns K, Haught N, Peacock C, Pollock B Rebold M, Sukseo Y, Gunstad J, Glickman EL The role of glucose and non-glucose containing beverages on rehydration (2013)
Medicine in Science in Sports and Exercise Final Program pp. 57.

Kean, D. Peacock CA, Pollock BS, Burns, KL, Sanders, GJ (2013) Improving Cardiovascular Performance and Decreasing Perceived Exertion with a Lactate Supplement.  Medicine in Science in Sports and Exercise Final Program pp. 188.

CA Peacock, KA Wilson, GJ Sanders, DB Corbett, EJ Fickes, EL Glickman FACSM, AL Ridgel (2013) Parkinson’s disease patients tolerate multifaceted exercise intervention while improving health-related physical fitness Medicine in Science in Sports and Exercise Final Program pp. 136.

Newton A, C Peacock, K Burns, B Pollock, G Sanders, Y Sukseo, P LaScola, R Weber, EL Glickman (2013) Pilot Physiology while exposed to normobaric hypoxia. Medicine in Science in Sports and Exercise Final Program pp. 207.