Teacher Education Retreat

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Skills Needed for Workforce

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Ohio approved common core standards in English-Language Arts and Mathematics, as well as revised standards in Science and Social Studies, June, 2010) – will take effect in 2014-15 when newly aligned assessments will also be implemented.

(Ohio is a member state with a number of initiatives already underway. The plan focuses on 21st century readiness for every student and aims to establish and maintain student centered 21st century learning environments that foster and nurture the fusion of the three Rs and the four Cs):

  • critical thinking and problem solving
  • communication
  • collaboration, and
  • creativity and innovation

Managed by Achieve, Inc., the writers of the report,  in February, 2007.

Purpose: Twenty-five states have joined together to create the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC or Partnership). The goal is to create an assessment system and supporting tools that will help states dramatically increase the number of students who graduate high school ready for college and careers and provide students, parents, teachers and policymakers with the tools they need to help students - from grade three through high school - stay on track to graduate prepared. The Partnership will also develop formative tools for grades K-2.


Purpose: to create state-of-the-art adaptive online exams, using "open source" technology. The online system will provide accurate assessment information to teachers and others on the progress of all students, including those with disabilities, English language learners and low- and high-performing students. The system will include:

  • the required summative exams (offered twice each school year);
  • optional formative, or benchmark, exams; and
  • a variety of tools, processes and practices that teachers may use in planning and implementing informal, ongoing assessment. This will assist teachers in understanding what students are and are not learning on a daily basis so they can adjust instruction accordingly.

Clinically-Based Teacher Education


Teaching 2030


Charter Schools


Race to the Top

EHHS Conceptual Framework

Teacher Education Metrics document

Teacher Performance Assessments

Teacher Performance Assessment: Materials and Information

Professional Disposition Assessment draft

Enrollment Trends in Teacher Education

Educator Supply and Demand in the United States (Executive Summary)