Research Funding Updates

Water Quality Monitoring Projects in the Muskingum Watershed Concervancy District

Investigator: Joseph Ortiz, $22,905, Muskingum Watershed District, 2024 - 2025

Seafloor volcanic sediments as drivers of long term seawater chemistry and climate

Investigator: Allyson Tessin, $48,500, Columbia University, 2024-2025

Peopling of the Tularosa Playa during the Last Glacial Maximum

Investigator: Alison Smith, $2,500, Bournemouth University, 2023 - 2024

Capacity Building for Ocean Color Remote Sensing in Support of Fisheries Management in the Northern Benguela Current

Investigator: Joseph Ortiz, $30,000, National Geographic Society, 2023 - 2025

Ironing out the role of benthic processes on nutrient and carbon cycling in the Gulf of Alaska

Investigator: Allyson Tessin, $220,300 National Science Foundation, 2023-2026

Investigating the role of ice sheet instability in marine carbon and nutrient cycling in the Eurasian Arctic

Investigator: Allyson Tessin, 2023 - 2026, $248,000, National Science Foundation

Application of UAV and satellite based optical sensors to help preserve the coral reefs of the US Virgin Islands

Investigator: Joseph Ortiz, 2023-2025, $213,552, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Cover crop impacts on soil carbon inferred by modeling and soil optical properties

Investigator: Joseph Ortiz, 2022-2024, $257,825. Herbert W. Hoover Foundation

Understanding Organic Matter Linkages and Transformations across a Cretaceous Terrestrial-Marine Interface

Investigator: Timothy Gallagher, 2022-2024, $110,000. American Chemical Society

Collaborative Research: BoCP Design: US-South Africa: Turning CO2 to stone: the ecosystem service of the oxalate-carbonate pathway and its sensitivity to land use change. 

Investigator: Timothy Gallagher, January 2023 - December 2025, $350,000. National Science Foundation

ORCA - Satellite Algae Bloom and Nutrient Sources Tracking

Investigator: Joseph Ortiz, August 2021 - June 2024, $140,000, Ocean Research & Conservation Association, Inc.

Moving mountains: timing and emplacement of the Marysvale gravity slide complex

Investigator: David Hacker, 2021-2024, $210,394, National Science Foundation

How the Surface Roughness Contributes to Wettability and its Alteration of Geologic Minerals

Investigator Kuldeep Singh, 2021-2024, $110,000, American Chemical Society PRF

Collaborative Research: Neotoma Paleoecology Database, a Multi-Proxy, International, Community-Curated Data Resource for Global Change Research

Investigator: Alison Smith, 2020-2024, $32,421, National Science Foundation