The Cleveland Orchestra

The Cleveland Orchestra was founded in 1918 by a group of local citizens intent on creating an ensemble worthy of joining America’s ranks of major symphony orchestras.

Over the ensuing decades, the Orchestra quickly grew from a fine regional organization to being one of the most admired symphony orchestras in the world.  The opening in 1931 of Severance Hall as the Orchestra’s home brought a special pride to the ensemble and its hometown, as well as providing an enviable and intimate acoustic environment in which to develop and refine the Orchestra’s artistry.  Year-round performances became a reality in 1968 with the opening of Blossom Music Center, one of the most beautiful and acoustically admired outdoor concert facilities in the United States.

In performances at home and around the globe, The Cleveland Orch­estra remains one of the most sought-after performing ensembles in the world and Northeast Ohio’s most visible international ambassador.  In concerts at its winter home at Severance Hall and at each summer’s Blossom Music Festival, in residencies from Miami to Vienna, and on tour around the world, The Cleveland Orchestra sets standards of artistic excellence, creative programming, and active community engagement.