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Influence Within the Organization: High-Performance Leadership

Participants will learn to recognize the distinct difference between leaders and followers while exploring the complexities of leadership.

  • Understand the Difference of Leader Versus Coach"
  • List the Leadership Abilities in Ourselves
  • Differentiate People Styles and Methods for Effectively Dealing With Them
  • Describe Methods of Incorporating Appreciative Inquiry Into the Role of a Leader
  • Define Leadership
  • Understand People
  • Determine Why Leaders Cant Lead
  • Eliminate Negative Behaviors of Self
  • Explain the Concept of Being Heard in the Organization

This eight-hour program is targeted for all professionals in an organization, and can be tailored specifically for managers and supervisors.

We can tailor this program and deliver it on-site for your employees and leaders.

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Kay Potetz Kay Potetz

Dr. K. Kay Potetz has been delivering professional and management development programs since the early 1980s and has 25 years of management and administrative experience.

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Kay rocks! Her knowledge and caliber are a true blessing!

David Sargent, Operations Manager,