
Are You in Touch – With You? Emotional Intelligence

Emotions are lifelines to the self-awareness and self-preservation that connect us to others. Being able to control impulse and to motivate oneself in the face of frustration is imperative to success in today’s workplace. Participants will learn the concepts of emotional intelligence (EI) and identify how they can increase their EI.

  • Recall Why Emotions Are So Important
  • List the Many Functions of Emotions.
  • Describe the Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence
  • Discuss Why and When “Smart” is “Dumb”
  • Explore Methods for Dealing With and Diffusing Anger
  • Identify the Cost of Emotional Illiteracy
  • List Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Affects Our Health, Relationships and Work Life.

This eight-hour program is targeted for all associates in an organization.

We can tailor this program and deliver it on-site for your employees and leaders.

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Kay Potetz Kay Potetz

Dr. K. Kay Potetz has been delivering professional and management development programs since the early 1980’s and has 25 years of management and administrative experience.

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“Good information. Very helpful to understand human behavior and what makes us tick.”

Mike Shepka, Manager,