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University policy regarding employment

  1. Policy statement. The vice president for human resources is responsible for the development, implementation, and enforcement of the employment policies and practices at Kent state university, as delegated by the president. The vice president may delegate to the appropriate staff the authority to assist in the execution of these responsibilities.
  2. Employee code of conduct. Every employee of Kent state university is required to comply with the policies and guidelines established for employees, as well as applicable local, state, and federal laws. Therefore, the following are expected of each individual employee:
    1. To maintain a professional demeanor.  Each Kent state university employee will exhibit a high degree of maturity and self-respect and foster an appreciation for other cultures, one's own cultural background, as well as the cultural matrix from which Kent state university exists.  Also, each will adhere to the lawful instructions and orders of their supervisors and other university officials who are performing duties within their official capacities.
    2. To respect the dignity and well being of others. Each employee of Kent state university will demonstrate respect for all campus and external community members.  Therefore, to purposely threaten, accost, demean, or to engage in gender, sexual or religious harassment, use vile, obscene or abusive language or exhibit lewd behavior, to be under the influence of alcohol or a drug of abuse while performing employment responsibilities is prohibited.  Also, to be involved in the possession, use, distribution of and sale of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited.  Deadly weapons, unless authorized by law, are also strictly prohibited.
    3. To respect and safeguard the rights and property of others, and to better provide for the safety and security of each person,  each employee of Kent state university will be subject to all applicable local, state and federal laws and to all applicable provisions listed as part of university policy register.  Therefore, individuals found in violation of local, state, federal laws or university policies are subject to disciplinary action which could include dismissal from the university.
    4. To prohibit discrimination, while respecting the differences in people, ideas, and opinions. Each employee of Kent state university will support equal rights and opportunities for all.
    5. To practice personal and professional integrity, and to discourage all forms of dishonesty, deceit, and noncompliance to the code of conduct.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 