Human Resources Records

Title of Series Description Retention
Affirmative Action - Complaint Files Record of staff or student grievances based on equal opportunity and affirmative action regulations. Files arranged alphabetically. Active + 6 Years
Affirmative Action - EE-06 Report [EEOC] Annual report required by the federal government, including information on race, sex, salary, tenure, etc. for different groups of employees. 6 Years
Affirmative Action - Plan Files Procedures and regulations to be followed, work force analysis, goals, timetables, statistics. 6 Years
Affirmative Action - Position Applicant Files Record of affirmative action procedures followed for university or college position openings. Files include position request and authorization forms, job descriptions, appointment activity record, proof of citizenship, chronological data on search and correspondence. Files divided into faculty, contract and classified staff headings. The classified staff portion is comprised of statistical data sent to Affirmative Action Office by Human Resources. Under these headings, files are arranged alphabetically by department or office. 6 Years
Classified Staff Report Monthly and annual reports listing information on classified employees such as promotions, training, classifications, new hires, pay range/step, suspensions, terminations, etc. 1 Year
Classified Staff Report - Categorical Summary Listing of civil service employees categorized by race and sex. 6 Years
Classified Staff Report - Surveys, Wage and Fringe Benefits Surveys conducted by the university or college with area organizations in an effort to acquire comparative data regarding wage and fringe benefit programs. 3 Years
Classified Staff Report - Suspension Files Record of suspended university or college employees including name, classification, department, reason for suspension and duration of suspension, pertinent supporting documentation. 5 Years
Classified Staff Report - Union Dues Membership List Copy of biweekly listing of university or college employees paying dues to unions, including pertinent personal data, classification and department. 4 Years
Collective Bargaining Agreements   Active + 6
Department Assistance File - Classified Staff Correspondence documenting Personnel Office services to university or college departments regarding classified staff positions. 1 year
Employment - Immigration Files Public Access File required by 20 CFR 655.760(c) for filing of the I-129 petition for H-1B status. Active +1
Employment - Classified Staff - Applicant Card Files Reference card file that lists name, address, telephone number, date of application, classification of individuals who have applied for classified positions. 3 Years
Employment  - Classified Staff - Application Files Includes application form, resume, test results, referral and interview data. 3 Years
Employment - Classified Staff - Canceled Position File Application forms, correspondence sent and received concerning positions that have been canceled. 3 Years
Employment - Classified Staff - Certification Files Record of employees who have attained certification in their classification. May include log book and printouts. Active + 3 Years
Employment - Classified Staff - Personnel Requisitions Department request placed whenever a position within the department becomes vacant. 3 Years
Employment - Classified Staff -Selection Criteria Form Form providing an explanation as to why a person was or was not hired for a university or college position. 3 Years
Employment - Faculty - Application Files - Non-hires Contains application, correspondence, resumes, etc. from applicants for positions 3 Years
Employment - Faculty - Declinations Files Contracts, recommendations, letters of people who have declined positions. 3 Years
Employment - Faculty - Search Committee Records of individuals who applied or interviewed for positions for which a committee was formed. Files contain position authorization forms, job descriptions, search committee minutes, applicant credentials, correspondence, authorization to hire forms. 3 Years
Employment - Residence Hall Advisers - Not selected Files on candidates not selected as residence hall advisors 3 Years
Employment - Residence Hall Advisers - Selected Files on candidates selected for employment as residence hall advisors Active + 6
Employment - Staff - Applicant Files Resumes on file. 3 Years
Employment - Staff - Recruitment/Search Staff search files. May contain position authorization forms, job descriptions, minutes, applicants' credentials, search chronologies, authorization to hire forms, correspondence. 3 Years
Employment - Student - Summer Contracts Flyers for on- and off-campus employment opportunities Active
Employment - 1099 Federal form used to report salaries, wages, and tips of temporary employees. 6 Years
Employment Forms - I-9 (student) Federal employment eligibility verification for on-campus student employees Active + 3 Years
Employment Forms - Payroll Deduction Authorizations All forms used to authorize deductions for charitable organizations, credit unions, union dues, U.S. Savings Bonds, etc. Active + 6 Years
Employment Forms - W-2 Federal form reporting salaries, wages, and tips for each employee to the IRS. 6 Years
Employment Forms - W-4 Forms completed by employee showing federal tax withholding exemptions. Active + 6 Years
Faculty Employment Reports - Activity & Service Records for the academic years and each term listing teaching and advisory assignments, research, administrative duties and public service. Data is included for full-time and part-time faculty and graduate assistants. Reports printed either alphabetically by name of faculty member or by department. Active + 6 Years
Faculty Employment Reports - Index System Cards or other reference lists for all active and inactive faculty. Active + 6 Years
FMLA Records Records of FMLA requests and all supporting documentation. 3 years
Garnishment Documentation - Classified Staff Contains copies of court orders, pertinent employee data, computation data, employee acknowledgement forms, IRS notices of levy, and correspondence regarding employee garnishment cases. Active + 3 Years
Garnishment Documentation - Faculty Contains copies of court orders, pertinent employee data, computation data, employee acknowledgement forms, IRS notices of levy, and correspondence regarding employee garnishment cases. Active + 3 Years
Garnishment Documentation - Staff Contains copies of court orders, pertinent employee data, computation data, employee acknowledgement forms, IRS notices of levy, and correspondence regarding employee garnishment cases. Active + 3 Years
Gender discrimination & harassment training records All materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. 7 years
Hazardous Materials - Exposure Documentation   Indefinite
Hazardous Materials - Exposure Documentation - Radioactive Materials Files of monthly reports of persons exposure to Radioactive Materials. Indefinite
Hazardous Materials - Exposure Documentation - Radioactive Materials Incident Report Report of Radioactive Materials incident Indefinite 
Hazardous Materials - Radiation Safety Workers Includes training records, exposure records, applications and authorizations, documents of Authorized Users Lab; Specific RW Training/Interview; Emergency Notification, and Declaration of Pregnancy forms. Indefinite
Hazardous Materials - Radioactive Materials Authorized Users Includes applications for non-human use of RM; Statement of prior Training and Experience; Authorization of Internal Transfer of Material between AUs; Room Surveys; Application for Clinical Use of RAM; Emergency Notification; Application for Investigational Human Use of RAM. Indefinite
Layoff Documentation - Classified Staff File contains printouts, rosters, and correspondence documenting university or college layoffs. Pertinent employee data, date of hire, classification, department, and retention points (performance) are included. 5 Years
Leave Record – Classified Staff Forms used to document sick leave and vacation leave. Includes hiring date, longevity date, amount of sick leave and vacation leave accrued.  5 Years 
Leave Record – Faculty Vacation and sick leave earned and used.  Active + 6 Years 
Leave Record - Staff Forms used to document sick leave and vacation leave. Includes hiring date, longevity date, amount of sick leave and vacation leave accrued. 5 Years
Ohio Board of Regents Annual FTE Report Annual printout required by the Ohio Board of Regents documenting full-time equivalent staffing levels. The summary of the inventory is sent to the Ohio Board of Regents. 1 Year
Performance Evaluation - Classified Staff File contains annual printouts and log books, with such information as name, SSN, date of hire, classification, supervisory, mid-and end-probationary dates, and department, and university or college employee performance evaluations 5 Years
Performance Evaluation - Classified Staff - Reclassification Files Record of university or college employee reclassification with accompanying job audit reviews, audit appeals, position description questionnaires, correspondence and final decision documentation 5 Years
Performance Evaluation - Faculty - Promotion & Tenure Files Recommendations, evaluations, materials submitted for promotion or tenure. Tenure and promotion recommendations (approval or denial) and pertinent correspondence maintained in permanent positions file. 5 Years
Performance Evaluation - Faculty - Promotion & Tenure Policy Copy of departmental guidelines, policies, procedures, notice of guidelines, administrative memos, lists of eligible faculty 10 Years
Performance Evaluation - Faculty - Teaching Evaluations (Student Surveys of Instruction, SSI’s) Student evaluations of teacher's performance. Used for Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure. 5 years for summary sheets, 1 year for individual student responses, if summary sheet is made. 
Performance Evaluation - Staff Files contain annual printouts and log books, with such information as name, SSN, date of hire, classification, supervisory, mid-and end-probationary dates, and department, and university or college employee performance evaluations. 5 Years
Performance Evaluation - Staff - Reclassification Files Record of university or college employee reclassification with accompanying job audit reviews, audit appeals, position description questionnaires, correspondence, and final decision documentation. 5 Years
Personnel Files - Classified Staff Employment record maintained for full-time and part-time classified employees. Files may contain applications, copies of driver's license, Social Security card, birth certificate, payroll, leave or absence requests, letters of commendation and reprimand, transfer requests, leave forms, evaluations, reclassifications, certifications, promotions, step increases, longevity, P.E.R.S. forms, employee's inspection of personnel file form, personnel card, etc.  Active + 6 Years 
Personnel Files - Classified Staff - Card Files File card coordinated to classified personnel files. Includes names, SSN, status, classification, department, anniversary date, pay, resignation, date, sick leave, performance, etc. Active + 6 years
Personnel Files - Classified Staff - Summer Employment Record of employees with alternative summer job responsibilities usually in dining halls, union, health center, residence halls and custodial 5 Years
Personnel Files - Faculty Original faculty contracts and addenda, promotion and tenure documentation, original transcripts, hiring documentation, resumes, letters of recommendation, correspondence, teaching schedules, tax forms, sabbatical information, supervisor/department evaluation forms, STRS forms, promotion and tenure decisions. Includes part-time and adjunct faculty files. Active + 6 Years
Personnel Files (Active & Inactive) - Unclassified Staff Employment record maintained for full-time and part-time university or college contract employees. Files can contain position descriptions, applications, letters of appointment or change, personnel data, notice of salary rate, copies of birth certificate, annual contracts, performance evaluations, P.E.R.S. forms, previous state service forms, Social Security card, reclassification notices, letters of commendation or reprimand, publications, evidence of continuing education, transfers, leave of absence requests, payroll forms, vacation and sick leave reports, resignations, termination notices.  Active + 6 Years 
Personnel Files - Student Employee Active and inactive files. Student authorization forms, state and federal withholdings, PERS, step increases, termination notices, reclassification forms, exemptions Active + 6 Years 
Personnel Files - Student Employee - Summary Report Stipend list, updated SSN reports, 1040 hours report, termination reports, summer rehires, college work-study awards, changes chart of accounts, step increases, department summaries, CWS earnings report, time cards by sequence number 1 Year
Position descriptions - Classified Staff Master file of classified job descriptions. Retained for pay-range classification purposes. Active
Position descriptions - Faculty Description of current positions Active
Position descriptions - General   3 Years
Position descriptions - Student Job Cards Job descriptions for campus and off-campus positions which have been filled or are no longer offered. Active
Position Vacancy Announcement - Classified Staff Job descriptions for each university or college position posted.  3 Years 
Public Employees Retirement System Files - Classified Staff Includes copies of retirement applications documenting pertinent personal, spouse, and beneficiary data. Working papers and correspondence are included.  Active + 6 Years 
Public Employees Retirement System File - Contract Staff Includes copies of retirement applications documenting pertinent personal, spouse and beneficiary data. Working papers and correspondence are included.  Active + 6 Years 
Public Employees Retirement System File - Independent Contractor Forms for PERS (PEDACKN) Record of form completed and received by university within 30 days of the date of which the independent contractor commences services, a copy of which must be sent to OPERS at the time of receipt. Indefinitely
Public Employees Retirement System Log - Classified Staff Record of university or college classified employees and their date of retirement and address.  Active + 6 Years 
Public Employees Retirement System Log - Contract Staff Record of university or college employees, address and date of retirement.  Active + 6 Years 
State Classification File - Classified Staff List of classification by pay range as directed by the State DAS Until superseded
Time Cards Record of time worked by employees. 5 Years
Time Cards - Student Employees Record of hours worked by student employees 5 Years
Training Documentation - Classified Staff - Civil Service Examinations Files Old examinations used for the purpose of devising new testing programs. Also can include information and materials for Civil Service testing. Active
Training Documentation - Classified Staff - On-the-Job Training Records Complete training records for individuals seeking classified positions. Includes V.A. approval, progress report, record of trainee-trainer, date started, hours worked, etc. Active + 3 Years
Training Documentation - Training Courses Memoranda, flyers, catalogues, registration forms, rosters, and other records relating to training courses run by a data processing user support or office automation support unit. 1 Year
Unemployment Compensation Log Record of unemployment compensation cases Until Superceded
Unemployment Compensation Documentation Consolidated listing all employees (classified, contract and faculty) for whom an unemployment claim has been filed. This includes copies of claim forms, correspondence, costs for the institution and amount of unemployment compensation paid. Active + 6 Years